Wolf Pack

Join us!

As Wolf Interpreting continues to expand, we are always looking for qualified and professional interpreters to join us. Please email wolfpackinterpreting@gmail.com with your resume and contact information. We will be in touch with more information and next steps to join the Wolf Pack. Below we have outlined our core values and beliefs.


Advancing the profession by providing the highest quality service; our focus will be on prioritizing the success of interpreters working with Wolf Interpreting by providing as much prep and transparent communication as possible.

Intentional selection of interpreters to satisfy specific needs; as requests are processed by Wolf Interpreting, we will make sure the interpreters selected for teaming assignments have the proper skill and knowledge to provide an equivalent message for all involved.

Developing the profession through mentorship; Wolf Interpreting has built into our business model a budget line item for mentorship opportunities to support early career interpreters and interpreters who are looking to expand their interpreting portfolio. For each assignment we book, Wolf Interpreting will use 5% of the overall earnings as a stipend for interpreters interested in mentorship opportunities.

We look forward to working with you!